Gospel Audio

A Collection of Gospel Messages by Paul Lutton


    Missions and other messages

     Links to previous years:  
2014    2015   2016   2017  2018  2019

2024 Messages

      Paul Lutton - Cullybackey Methodist Church - 19th. May 2024 -\"You sre not here by chance\"
      The Second Coming of Christ - - Derryneil Baptist Church - 21st. April 2024
      Old Testament types of Christ - Ballyhalbert Gospel Hall - 7th. April 2024

2023 Messages

      The Glory That Should Follow - Cullybackey Methodiast Church - 3rd. Septrmber 2023
      The Sufferings of christ for us - Ballyhalbert Gospel Hall - 23rd. July 2023
      Justification by Faith - Ballyhalbert Gospel Hall - 23rd. April 2023

2022 Messages

      Cups That bring Us to Salvation - Ballyhalbert gospel Hall - 02nd. Oct. 22
      The Greatest Lie - Derryneil Baptist Church - 21st. August 2022
      The Longest Reign - Derryneill Baptist Church - 5th. June 2022
      Behold the Lamb of God - Derryneill Baptist Church - 2o March 2022

2021 Messages

      4 Biblical Questiohs - Derryneill Baptist Church - 24 Oct. 2021
      The Death of the Cross - Derryneill Baptist Church - 11 Jul. 2021
      Three Words form the Cross, the Tomb, & the Throne - Derryneill Baptist Chruch - 04.04.21

2020 Messages

      Jesus Himself - Derryneill Baptist Church - 02 Aug. 2020

2019 Messages

      The Rich Man and Lazarus - - Derryneill Baptist Church - 22nd Sep. 2019
      I Love the Lord Because . . . - - Culcavy Hall - 31st. March l2019
      Justification by Faith - Ballyhalbert Gospel Hall - 23rd. April 2023
      The Resurrection of the Dead - Raymond Cochrane - Derrycorry Orange Hal - 24.05.19

2018 Messages

      Three Appearings - - Derryneill Baptist church - 03/11/18
      Jesu's Last Days
      Last Things - - 1st. April 2018
      The Gospel - 4th. February 2018
      He Shall be Great - - Ballyhalbert Gospel Hall - 14.th. Jauuary 2018

2017 Messages

      The Best Known Verse - Derrycorry Harvest Service 17.10.17
      Behold the Lamb - - Derryneill Baptist church - 6th. April 2017
      We Preach Christ Crucified - Derryneill Baptist Church 3rd. March 2017
      How can we Know the Way - - Culcavy Hall 26th. Febreary 2017
      Search the Scriptures, They testify of Me - - Culcavy Hall - 19th. February 2017

2016 Messages

      The Death of the Cross
      Greatest Things in Scripture
      The Pascal Lamb - - Derryneill Baptist Church - 13th. April 2016
      The Unfolding Drama of the Ages - Derryneill Baptist Church 13th. March 2016

2015 Messages

      Three Appointments - - Derryneill Baptist Church - 17th. November 2015
      So Great Salvation - - 13th. October 2015
      Remember Lot's Wife - 15th. June 2015
      Jewels - - 9th March 2015
      False Refuges
      Who Then can be Saved? - 25rth. March 2015

2014 Messages

      Wash and be Clean - Derryneill Baptist Church - 11th. Nov. 2014
      The Resurrection of the Dead - Derryneill baptist Church - 31 August 2014
      Faith - - 7 July 2014
      The Name of the lord Jesus - Culcavy Hall 30th, June 2014
      God's Unspeakable Gift - - Derryneill Baptist Chrch - 16 June 2014
      'Opened' Things - - 19th. May 2014
      The Just for the Unjust - - 7th. April 2014
      Bible Triplets - Three Sets of words - - 9th. March 2014
      Back to Basics - - 2nd, March 2004

Pre 2014 Messages

      What Jesus Bore and Will Bear
      New Things
      Four Biblical Cups
      Four Important Days
      Look and Live
      The Great White Throne
      It is Finished
      Prrepare to Meeet Thy God