What is?

Commencing next week,

Studies in the Book of Romans

What is?
The Greatest Life

The greatest life ever lived,
The greatest life we can live,
John. 1.14 The Word was made flesh.

Phil 1.23. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

What is?
The Greatest Love

1 John 4.9-11; The Love of God
Eternal – Undeserved – Impatrial – Immeasurable – Unending.

What is?
The Greatest Lie

Gen. 2.15-17 God said ‘Thou shalt surely die’,
3.1-4 The serpent said ‘Ye shall not surely die’,
The way to the tree of life guarded,
No inherent immortality,
Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return,

What is?

Reconcilliation – as strangers?

Eph. 2. 11-16 Aliens and Stramgers
Romans 5.10 Enemies reconciled
Gentiles – unnatrual branches grafted in then made equal.
Reconciled to God by his Son
Christ – the lamb of Gid 

What is?

Redemption- as slaves?

isaiah 43.1 Israel – I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by my name, thou art minethou art mine,
ph_1:7  In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
The pascal lamb
Christ – the lamb of Gid 

What is

Remission – as sinners?

Acts 10.39-45
“Without the shedding of blood there is no trmission”,
All have sinned,
The sacriifcial lamb,Jesus – our saacrifice,
The deity of Christ,

What is

The Finished Work of Christ?

John 19.
A Particular Purpose
‘It is Finished’
What is finished?
His sufferings
Ptophetic Scriptures
Salvations Work


What is

The King of Terrors?

Job 20.18
The King of terrors and the terror of kings kings,
Death – The penalty of sin
Appointed unto men once to die
After this the judgement


What is

The Prize of the High Calling of God?

Phil 3.10,
That I might attain unto the resurrecction out from the dead,
Many different callings, Matt.22. The Marriage supper, The Bride, the Body, the guests ect, The cuurch which is his body.

What is

The Hope of His Calling?

Acts 28,20, The hope of israel cp The hope of Gentiles,
Eph. 2 Strangers without hope,
Col. 2.27 Christ in you the hope of glory,

What is

The Bible all About?
John 5.39. “search the scriptures . . . they are they which testify of me”,
He Comes, He Dies, He Lives, He Saves,He Reigns

What is?

The Millennial Reign of Christ
Rev. 20.1, Isa. 11.5, Zac. 14.4
Satan bound 1000 yrs.
The Lord jesus sits on the throne of his father David.

What is?

The Soul
Gen. 2.7 Man became a living soul.
Heb. Nephesh, life, body, soul,
The breath of life,
Not a seperate entity – the entire being

What is?

The Mystery
Eph. 3. 1-10/ Col. 1.21
The dispensation of the Mystery
The church which is His body
Jew and gentile made equal

What is?

The Gospel
Gospel – Good News
Christ died for our sins
By grace, through faith, Not of works.
Jesus – The ONLY way

What is?

The Sccond Coming
One stage coming or two?,
1 Thes. 4 and 2 Thes. 1,
Tribulation is not Wrath,

What is?

Sheol, Gehenna, Hades, The Grave, The Pit,
Luke ch. 16, Never mentioned by the apostle Paul, the state of death.

What is?

The Great White Throne
The Appointed Day when God will judge the world,
The Dead small and great stnd before God,
Whoever’s name is not writtenin the Lamb’s Book of Life is cast into the lake of fire – The Second death

What is?

The Meaning of the Tabernacle
What was its purpose?
Why so ferfect in layout?
What did it point to?

What is?

The Purpose of The OT Sacrifices
Shadows and types of a greater sacrifice
Never meant to take away sin
No remission without shed blood
Pointers to the greatest event in history – Calvary

What is?

The New Covenant
Exclusive to Jews
Gentiles not involved
Old Covenant – conditional – failed
New Covenant – unconditional