A series of video studies on The book of Acts

See notes on first 18 chapters: read

The Book of Acts part 43 – Final Part
Chapter 28
Paul Calls the Chiefs of the Jews,
Expounds the Lord Jesus and the Kingdom from OT Scriptures,
Their indecision means the withdrawal of the Kingdom offer,
Gospel commissioned to the gentles,
The revelation of the mystery

The Book of Acts part 42
Chapter 28

Signs following those who believe,
Paul shakes of deadly snake and heals the sick on Malta,
Why can we not do these miracles?
He arrives in Rome

The Book of Acts part 41
Chapter 27

Summing up,
Paul sets sail for Rome,
Shipwreck on Malta

The Book of Acts part 40
Chapter 25/26

Paul before Festus and Agrippa,
The hope of Israel,
Appeals unto Caesar.

The Book of Acts part 39
Chapter 24

Paul taken to Caesarea,
Accused by the Jews before Felix,
The Resurrection of just and unjust,

The Book of Acts part 38
Chapter 23

Paul before the Jewish Council,
The resurrection of the dead,
The Lord appears to Paul,

The Book of Acts part 37
Chapter 22

The sufferings of the apostle Paul,
Jewish uproar at the mention of gentiles,
Plan to kill paul.

The Book of Acts part 36
Chapter 21

Paul’s return to Jerusalem,
Philip the evangelist,
Agabus prophecy,
Paul testifies to the crowd.

The Book of Acts part 35
Chapter 20, conc.

Beware of false teachers,
The need to study the scriptures,
The dispensational divide

The Book of Acts part 34

Chapter 20, contunied

Eutychus Raised from the Dead,
Farewell to Ephesian elders,
Declared the whole councel of God,
Pure from the blood of all men,

The Book of Acts part 33

Chapter 20,

The word ‘ecclesia’,
Paul travels through Macedonia,
His companions, The first day of the week, The Day of the Lord,
The breaking of bread,

The Book of Acts part 32
Chapter 19  continued

Magicians burn their books,
The temple of Diana,
Opposition from the silversmits.

The Book of Acts part 31
Chapter 19 

Paul in Ephesus,
The Holy Ghost – The Giver and the Gift,
The school of Tyrannus,
Special miracles wrought by Paul

The Book of Acts part 30
Chapter 18 continued

To the Jew first,
Gentiles –  an unnatural branch grafted in,
Paul brought before Gallio

The Book of Acts part 29
Chapter 18

Paul arrives in Corinth.
Meets Aquila and Pricilla.
Joined by Silas and Timothy

The Book of Acts part 28
Recap continued

Introduction to Chapter 18

The Book of Acts part  27



An overview of the story so far

The Book of Acts part 26

Chapter 17

Paul at Athens,
Preaches on Mars Hill,
An appointed day of judgement

The Book of Acts part 25

Chapter 16/17

The Philippian Jailer,
Trouble in Thessolonica,
Bereans search the scriptures,
Paul moves on to Athens.

The Book of Acts part 24

Chapter 16

 Paul and Silas at Philippi,
Conversion of Lydia,
Demon possessed girl delivered,
Paul and Silas cast into prison.

The Book of Acts part 22

Chapter 15
Gentile believers and the Law,
Salvation by faith,



The Book of Acts part 21

Chapter 14
Paul preaches to the Gentiles,
Much Jewish opposition,
Paul and Barnabus flee to Lystra,
Paul stoned, Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch.


The Book of Acts part 20

Chapter 13 continued
Lo-Ammi – not my people,
Paul speaks in the synagogue at Antioch in Pisidia
Invited to spesk to Gentiles


The Book of Acts part 19

Chapter 13,
Paul’s first missionary journey,
Cyprus, Sergius Paulus,
Elymas, a Jew struck blind for a season,

The Book of Acts part 18
Chapter 12

James put to death.
Peter’s imprisonment.
The death of Herod.

The Book of Acts part 17
Chapter 11

Peter gives account at Jerusalem,
Barnabas and Saul at Antioch,
Believers first called ‘Christians’

The Book of Acts part 16
Chapter 10

 Cornelius – the first gentile convert,
Peter opens the door to Paul’s ministry to gentiles

The Book of Acts part 15
Chapter 9

Dorcas raised from the dead.
Where was she?


The Book of Acts part 14
Chapter 9,

The Conversion of the apostle Paul

The Book of Acts part 13
Chapter 8,
Philip the evangelist,
The Ethopian Eueuch

The Book of Acts part 12
Chapter 8,
Stephen falls asleep awaiting resurrection,
Saul persecutes the church,
Beilivers scattered preaching to none but Jews only


The Book of Acts part 9

Chapter 6
Grecians – Greek speaking Jews
Proselytes – Jewish converts
Seven men chosen for daily ministrations
Stephen broought befire the Council

The Book of Acts part 8

Chapter 5
Ananias and Sappira
The Trinity

The Book of Acts part 7

Chapter 4
 Signs and wonders
The Resurrection of the dead
The stone which the builders rejected

The Book of Acts part 6

Chapter 3
The First recorded miracles of Peter and Paul and their significane

The Book of Acts part 5

Chapter 2
Partial fulfillment of Joel’s Prophesy
The Braaking of Braad

The Book of Acts part 4

Chapter 2
David not Raised or Ascended,
The Church which is His Body,

The Book of Acts part 3

Chapter 2
Pintecost, Tongues, what did it Mean?, Partial fulfilment of Joel’s prophesy, To the Jews ony,

The Book of Acts part 2

Chapter 1
The Ascension of the Lord Jesus
A replacement for Jidas – Why?
The Church which is His body or the Kingdom?

The Book of Acts part 1


The Re-offer of the Kingdom to Israel

“And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee
“To-day shalt thou be with m
e in paradise”.

The question which is asked is this, did the thief go to “paradise” that day to be with Christ? Almost without a moments hesitation many Christians would answer “yes” but is that indeed what happened? Let us look carefully at the facts. The thief’s request was “Lord remember me when thou comest into Thy kingdom”. The thief was no doubt an Israelite and as such knew well the promises of the Old Testament regarding the Messiah and the kingdom He would reign over. He had read the superscription written over the Saviour’s head “This is Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews”. He had watched the Lord and listened to His words and realized He was indeed the King. The thief did not ask to be taken to heaven to be with the Lord when he died that day but for Christ to remember him when he came into His kingdom. Our Lord’s answer to him was regarding that day when His kingdom will be set up on earth  otherwise it had no relevance. He promised the thief that he would be part of it when it would come. Later, after His resurrection the Lord told Mary “I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to My God, and your God”. Surely these plain words of scripture are clear, Jesus had not at that point ascended into heaven. The problem lies with the comma and where the translators have placed it in the verse. Greek scholars inform us that in the original greek there are no punctuation marks so it was at the discretion of the translators where they placed it. The words of Christ to the thief are easily understood when we recognize this important fact, He simply told him “I tell you today you will be with me in paradise”. The word “paradise” has the definite article and should read “The paradise”, not referring to heaven at all but the paradise of the kingdom set up on earth. Someone is sure to say that’s what the Jehovah Witnesses teach about this verse. We are not interested in what JW’S say and indeed recognize them as a false cult but we cannot change the true meaning of the verse just to get one over on them. The readers will see as we deal with other texts that it would have been scripturally impossible for the thief to go to heaven that day anyhow, but more on that later.

Luke 23.43   “And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee
“To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise”.

  The question which is asked is this, did the thief go to “paradise” that day to be with Christ? Almost without a moments hesitation many Christians would answer “yes” but is that indeed what happened? Let us look carefully at the facts.

  The thief’s request was “Lord remember me when thou comest into Thy kingdom”. The thief was no doubt an Israelite and as such knew well the promises of the Old Testament regarding the Messiah and the kingdom He would reign over. He had read the superscription written over the Saviour’s head “This is Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews”. He had watched the Lord and listened to His words and realized He was indeed the King. The thief did not ask to be taken to heaven to be with the Lord when he died that day but for Christ to remember him when he came into His kingdom.

  Our Lord’s answer to him was regarding that day when His kingdom will be set up on earth otherwise it had no relevance. He promised the thief that he would be part of it when it would come. Later, after His resurrection the Lord told Mary “I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to My God, and your God”. Surely these plain words of scripture are clear, Jesus had not at that point ascended into heaven.

  The problem lies with the comma and where the translators have placed it in the verse. Greek scholars inform us that in the original greek there are no punctuation marks so it was at the discretion of the translators where they placed it. The words of Christ to the thief are easily understood when we recognize this important fact, He simply told him “I tell you today you will be with me in paradise”. The word “paradise” has the definite article and should read “The paradise“, not referring to heaven at all but the paradise of the kingdom set up on earth.

S  omeone is sure to say that’s what the Jehovah Witnesses teach about this verse. We are not interested in what JW’S say and indeed recognize them as a false cult but we cannot change the true meaning of the verse just to get one over on them. The readers will see as we deal with other texts that it would have been scripturally impossible for the thief to go to heaven that day anyhow, but more on that later.